“the world is waiting for your song”

Founded in 2002 with the goal of making group singing more accessible, Shout Sister Choir takes an unorthodox approach to learning and practicing our songs.

Can’t read music? No problem!
Never sung in a choir before? Even better!
Not into rigid, uptight practices? Us neither.

In Shout Sister, all music is learned by ear and practiced by singing along. We are a safe space where people can come to sing in a group for the first time. Even if you’ve been turned away from other choirs, your voice is welcome here. At Shout Sister we believe that everybody deserves to sing, and that singing with others is good for our bodies and minds. We are a supportive and caring group, committed to empowering and uplifting our community.

Our Approach

During a Shout Sister rehearsal there’s no standing around waiting for another section to practice a part. We sing together, every time, so there’s no chance of getting bored. Our parts are learned by ear, so you can listen and sing along at home, in the car, or while pushing a cart around the supermarket. This means that when we meet to rehearse we’re ready to put it all together!

Our music is fun, uplifting, and secular. We make sure to cover a wide range of genres and eras, so there’s something for everybody!

More than anything, we want you to have a great time singing, and we believe that every voice adds to the richness of the sonic tapestry we weave together.